Are we dating or hanging out? Are we trying to find a husband or a friend? Some will argue that we want our husband or significant other to be our friend, and we do in a way, but there needs to be more. We will not find our husband by simply hanging out with someone until curfew or until we have to clock into work. Dating is a huge indicator about how life will be after marriage and can often foretell the problems that will be found ten years down the road. When we are dating we form habits for our future. These habits should be guided by the three P's that summarize the role of the man in the relationship and by the divine role given to women. The three P's are preside, protect, and provide meaning that the dates should give the guy opportunities to fulfill all three of these areas. An example of presiding in a date setting is planning. A guy should be considerate of what the girl is interested in. Does he give her a heads-up of what the pl...