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Divine Difference



Recognizing that this might be a very sensitive topic I just want to preface this post with a reminder that it is ok to have a different point of view. It is also not meant in any way to hurt or offend anyone. With that being said let's get into what I got to say for this week on gender roles in the family and the world. 

Man and woman are the two different genders. Each has a divine design and divine difference, just the way God intended us to be. There is an innate difference between males and females and that is okay. In fact, that is how God planned it.

In 1995 President Gordon B. Hinckley read "the FAMILY A PROCLAMATION TO THE WORLD" this clearly states that God intended for man and woman to be different and to work as a team in all things but especially in families and in raising children. It is in this proclamation that the Living Prophet of God's Church stated that when the two genders were created with a bigger purpose and long before our life here on earth. One of my favorite lines is "Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose." God created us long before our life here on earth, and He did NOT get our gender wrong when He gave us our bodies, we are who He intended us to be when He created us in the premortal life, that being male or female.

The importance of this Proclamation doesn't end there though it continues to prove that the difference between men and women is more than society programming. It states that men are to preside, provide, and protect while women are to nurture. God gave us very distinct roles and then said that we are to work together as one man and one woman to create a home to rear children in. 

Life is not meant to be a competition of who can do what better, it is a team effort. We should not abandon who God created us to be just to prove that we can be better than someone else. But this is what we have turned life into a competition and a game of name calling. We as a society are trying to put new labels on God's creations and some of which are insulting to the creator Himself. As women we have a natural softness that we lose when we decide to make it about the competition. This softness is what allows us to sense when things are wrong. For men they have a natural protective side and desire to lead. We should magnify our divine callings and to help others magnify theirs. These roles are flexible when circumstances permit, examples being death or disabilities. 

This seems so perfect, together these natural qualities create the perfect team. It is almost as if God created it to be such. It is almost as if God created each of us with a bigger picture in mind.


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