Did you know that there are 4 levels or types of infidelity? Two of these types of infidelity require a partner in crime of sorts. The other two are considered infidelity because of the secrets and deception that form from them. They are more sociological than they are physical. Lets break these down so that we can better understand what we are dealing with and so that we can evaluate ourselves.
When you hear infidelity you probably think sexual infidelity, such as cheating or sleeping with someone other than your spouse or significant other. But did you know that sexual infidelity is not the most common type of infidelity. The scriptures call sexual sin second only to murder, so it makes sense that it wouldn't be the most common, people think that as long as they don't sleep with someone else or kiss another they are ok, but that is far from the truth. The most common infidelity is emotional infidelity. It's when commitment changes to another person because of an emotional connection and closeness.
Think back to R.A.M, we talked about it a couple weeks ago. A relationship is built off of 5 key points. These being know, trust, rely, commit, and touch. So if you move your trust and commitment and start to confide in another about something that you should be turning to your spouse than you are cheating on your spouse in a non-physical way. It is also almost always justified with something similar to "I never kissed them or even hugged them". Regardless of the physical aspect, their commitment is no longer to their spouse and that makes it an affair. It is also more common for women to become emotionally involved with someone else and for that connection to evolve into something more.
The other two types of infidelity are both about keeping secrets and don't include another person. They are financial infidelity and fantasy infidelity. Financial infidelity is one that creates a lot of troubles in a marriage. One partner feels the need to hide income or spending from the other which is breaking trust and creating tension. This can be because of a gambling habit or a personal view that their partner doesn't need to or deserve to know what they are doing with the money. Financial infidelity has become more of a problem lately due to the culture that both people need to be bringing in what they are spending. Going Dutch has become the new in and it has been creating divides not only fanatically but in the bonds on marriage.
Being completely honest with yall. Fantasy infidelity is one that kind of hit home for me. I have seen how this one can hurt because I have been hurt by this one. Fantasy infidelity is when one person in the relationship reads, watches, listens, or looks at anything that could be any version of fantasy reality. This plays with your partner's mind and makes them feel like they aren't enough for you. How many of you have ever wondered what your partner or significant other thinks about when you fall asleep or when you are not there? How many of you have wondered if you are getting compared to someone in there past or even someone from the book or movie they just finished? This is called Fantasy Infidelity. When they let entertainment become more important than the person they committed to. When the guy in the skin tight white shirt or the girl with effortless hair enters their mind when it should be their significant other they are thinking about.
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