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Welcome! please hear me out

Hi! Welcome to my blog on family relations, my name is Sariah Crosby and I'm so glad you decided to join me on this journey of learning more about the relationships that matter most. Some things you should know is that I am the fifth child out of seven and that I am a Christian. My faith in Jesus Chirst and His teachings definitely influences my viewpoint but His teachings also backs some of the findings and articles I will be talking about. That being said I really want to focus on the current trends in the family units and the impacts of the trends we are seeing. First let's start with some common comments about marriage and families in general. One I hear a lot is “why do I want to get married? It is just a paper that causes more trouble and paperwork if it does not work out.” Another is “I want to be successful before I do that.” Then we have the debate of what a family is and the argument of whether a man can marry a man or a woman to a woman. These comments, debates and arguments are all behind the scenes of the trends we are seeing. Less and Less people are getting married, instead they decide to just co-habitat with their “partner”. You might be thinking “but wait there are still a high number of marriage certificates being issued” and you are right there are still quite a few people getting married but then again there are actually a lot of people getting married twice or even three times. Along with this there are also more same sex marriages now. What does all of this mean? Well the world, the media, is telling us that this means we are being more accepting and loving. I agree partly. See more accepting not really because if that was the cause we would be trying to teach children that it right is more like we are less accepting of Chirsts teachings and God's commandments. Please do not hate me and give me a chance. God created two people, a man and a woman, both whole and capable of so much, together these two can create life and influence the future of the world in a way. This is the essence of the family unit. Two people, a man and a woman coming together to help bring a child into this world and to nurture love and watch over as they grow into someone capable of navigating the world and starting their own family. Starting a family is becoming less and less common as well mean less and less people are having children. There is actually a study on this, meaning on the family structure.I could spend hours on this website looking at all the different sections, , the information they have gathered and what they found is mind blowing. When you look at the percentages for yourself you too might think that maybe God had it right when he said that marriage is between a man and a woman and that they should rear children together because it definitely supported my belief in God's commandments when I saw it. Even if you do not believe in God or the teaching of Christ I think that the information gathered and published on  will still blow your mind and bring you to the same conclusion I had after spending some time exploring it. I will say that I do believe that we need to love everyone but I reserve the right to not agree or love their actions, especially when it is proven that it is impacting the future and lives of our children and our children's children.


  1. Well said! Family is so important! Excited to read future blogs!


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