This week I want to talk about crises and about the total experience. In our life time we will have many events that can be classified as a crises. Whether it is financial, physical or emotional these crises play a big role in our lives. There will be crises and that is just something we can not stop and we can not choose them. The part that we can control however is our resources to some extent, our responses and our cognition. Together these pieces will be added up and we will get our total experience. As always lets jump in and breakdown this weeks topic so that we can better understand what is going on. We have the resources, the response and our cognition. Then we will talk about the equation as a whole.
Lets start with breaking these down a little bit more. Diving deeper into what resources we can control and what resources are important. Some of the first things we think of when we hear resources are money and food. Or at least those were the first ones I thought of, I mean the dictionary definition is "a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively." Staff is the part of that definition that I want to focus on right now though. When we face difficult situations it is important to be surrounded by people who will lift and support us through the crises. Our family, our community and our religious family are some of the most important "Staff" that we could have.
Next up on our list to breakdown is our response. I kind of love looking at this portion of the equation. Our response to the situation is so important. If we take a step back and breakdown the word Crises, and search other languages a little. We find that it is a combination of two words, danger and opportunity. Our response is part of how we will take the opportunity that is placed in front of us. We have the opportunity and the outcome may be unknown but our reaction in part can be known. When crises comes knocking, with danger and opportunity, will we take it by storm with a positive outlook or will negativity take over.
Now for cognition. Cognition is the part that we have the most control over. As the dictionary definition reads cognition means "the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses." See as much as we like to think we have control over having the proper resources and the best response, we really do not. We have the most control over what we are going to learn from the crises that we are faced with. We, meaning each of us, you, me, and whoever else is in the world, can take the opportunities that our individual crises bring us and learn from them. We should not stop there though, we need to take what we have learned and share it with others so that they, if they chose to be, can be better prepared and include our story into there archive of resources.
I mentioned earlier that this is all part of an equation. It is called the ABCX equation. The A stands for the Actual Event or the crises that we are faced with. B is both our resources and our responses. The last part is C and that stands for cognition, together A, B, and C equal X. X stands for total experience.
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